Monday, October 12, 2009

Why Refurbish Your Vintage Sewing Machine

Why Buy an Older Refurbished Sewing Machine or Why have your Older Sewing Machine Refurbished?

Portsmouth, VA May 2009

With regularity I get email inquiries and phone calls from folks that have bought new sewing machines for $100, $200. $300 and more that can't get them to operate properly or consistently. The level of frustration in their voices is always the same. I look at Craigslist and see ads for "used once or twice" sewing machines and they're always plastic, what does that tell us? Believe me you DON'T want one of those machines. Today, a machine that cost, say $250 new is a low priced entry level budget machine. Now that offends me! You would think that you could purchase a new sewing machine that will SEW well and sew well for a long time at that price. ??????

Let's take a look for a moment at the other end of the new sewing machine market. You can buy certain sewing machines made in Switzerland, Sweden, or Germany that represent state of the art, high quality machines that are superbly engineer and assembled. Unfortunately most people, including yours truly, cannot spend a thousand or thousands of dollars on a sewing machine.

Well you CAN purchase a high quality multi-generational REFURBISHED sewing machine for LESS or MUCH LESS than $175.00 (excepting some Swiss, Swedish, German and Italian machines).

So what about a machine from the 40s', 50s' 60s', 70s', or maybe the 1980s'????
Let say that in 1967 your mother or grandmother bought a sewing machine for $200.00 with accessories. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics....YES, that machines replacement value today would be in the area of $1900.00. So for a new quality machine from Switzerland, Sweden or Germany you are at $1500 and up. For what? Fancy stitches that you rarely use? Heck, I can sell you a machine with numerous built in stitches and one that accepts decorative and utility stitch cams...such as Kenmore, Singer, etc.

My conclusion is that I would rather own multi-generational sewing machines for less money than it would cost for a new plastic throw away. It will last longer, is built better, is likely smoother, more reliable, easier and less costly to service or repair.

You CAN buy a high quality REFURBISHED machine today for $100 to $250, as I said above there are certain Swiss, German, Swedish, and Italian machines that are more.

If you have a quality sewing machine that needs help, think about having us refurbish your machine.Click here to see what we do to your machine to make it superb!

If you need service, we service all makes of domestic sewing machines that do not have computer boards in them or are made in China.

To fully appreciate what goes into the REFURBISHMENT process click here or on the "What is Refurbishing button to the upper left of this page.


"Sewing Machine Steve"


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